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Mishloach Manot Program

Mishloach Manot (Shalach Manos) are gifts of food sent to family and friends in honor of Purim. This beautiful tradition is one of the four mitzvot of Purim, fostering friendship and connecting families in our community.

Jewish Beginnings offers a Mishloach Manot program that is an easy and meaningful way to appreciate family and friends. Our program includes families from every segment of our wonderful Milwaukee Jewish community! This year’s package includes a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine and hamentashen. Boxes will be delivered on or before Purim, February 25th. Orders are due by February 12th. Please don’t delay!

To purchase:

  1. Log on to using the link emailed to you on February 2nd. (If you did not receive the email and login or are a new user please see the form below).

  2. Follow the instructions on the website to select individual names or groups of families you wish to send to.


If you did not receive the login email, please complete the following form and login information will be sent within one business day.


To volunteer:

Can you spare a couple of hours the week of February 21st? If so, we are looking for volunteers to help us deliver Mishloach Manot packages. Please send an email to with your availability.

Thank you for your generous support and wishing you a Happy Purim!

Mishloach Manot Program Form

Thanks for submitting!

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